Fighting for the Future of America

Our country is at a historic inflection point. We will either renew our faith in God and freedom, or we will submit to the rise of socialism and the tyranny of a woke and weaponized federal government.

Securing the Border

Restoring Fiscal Responsibility

Ag & Energy Independence

Strengthening the Military

Defending the Constitution

Promoting WTX Values

Securing the Border

No sovereign country can be safe and prosperous without secure borders. Sadly, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have totally surrendered operational control of our Southern Border to narco-terrorist Cartels who are exploiting the “compassion” of Democrat open-border policies to flood our communities with deadly fentanyl, human traffic at a record pace, and smuggle record amounts of individuals from countries that sponsor terrorism into our country. 

The unprecedented and unmitigated crisis at our border is totally unsustainable. As a Texan in Congress, I am committed to continue leading the charge to defend our borders, protect our communities, and support the rights of states like Texas to defend themselves when our federal government refuses to do so. 

As an American, I believe it is important to welcome the immigrant who comes to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their family, but we can only welcome those who respect our laws, our sovereignty, and the safety of the American people. As your representative in congress, I will not rest until we force Washington to provide for the common defense by securing our border, protecting our communities, and enforcing our laws. 

Action Taken:


H.R 50 - Recognizing that article I, section 10 of the United States Constitution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and "imminent danger" posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels, terrorists and criminal actors who have seized control of our southern border 


Chairman Arrington Leads Letter to Biden Administration Criticizing the Listing of Rio Grande Mussels as an Endangered Species 


Arrington, Johnson Lead Colleagues in Filing Title 42 Amicus Brief 

Restoring Fiscal Responsibility

The fiscal health of our country has been in rapid decline for years, which is why reining in reckless and wasteful spending in Washington has been a top priority for me since I first arrived in Congress in 2017.  

President James Madison said is best, “A Public Debt is a Public Curse.” Our national debt has surpassed $31 trillion and woke liberal spending continues to drive our yearly deficits to unimaginable heights. If we don’t reverse the curse of our debt and restore fiscal sanity in Washington, not only will America fall from its standing as a world leader, but our children and grandchildren will be forced to pay for our failures. 

I am honored to serve as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, and am excited that under my leadership, we have passed a budget out of committee for the first time in 5 years! While my budget resolution would balance federal spending in 10 years, we still have much work to do to Reverse the Curse and deliver power back to We the People. 


Action Taken:


Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 

“Reverse The Curse” 

Ag & Energy Independence

Making sure that America can produce enough energy to match our consumption is a crucial component to our national security. I am proud to represent the people of West Texas that produce a majority of the all U.S.-produced fossil fuels. These fossil fuels provide a safe and affordable supply of energy to our country, and thousands of jobs to our economy. As unrest continues to unravel in the middle east, it is vital, now more than ever, that America does not rely on any foreign nation to meet our energy demands. 

It is not only fossil fuels that make West Texas great. Our district is also a powerhouse for clean, renewable energy. West Texas is home to the six largest wind farms in the United States, producing large volumes of wind power that is sent all over our country. Lubbock is home to the Texas Tech University National Wind Institute that pursues excellence in wind science, wind energy, wind engineering, and wind hazard mitigation. 

The whirlwind growth of wind energy in West Texas has also led to a surge in solar energy development. Solar energy is another area for clean, renewable energy harvesting that is prime for the West Texas landscape of expansive land and intensive sun. Texas is quickly becoming the biggest solar energy market in the country with West Texas at the forefront of production. 

In Congress, I will continue to support all forms of domestic energy production and fight back against the Biden Administration’s attempt to limit West Texas’ dominant energy industry. This is a fight for a free market approach to energy production, federal tax credits to incentivize investment, and minimal regulations to encourage energy infrastructure development and solidify our national security. 

Action Taken:

Strengthening the Military

There is no greater responsibility as an elected official and public servant than the safety and security of the American people. The Constitution outlines that the government provides for the common defense of its citizens. The best way to achieve this common defense and to secure the prosperity and longevity of our nation is by having a strong military. In Congress, I have consistently voted for expanding and providing resources our brave men and women need; while at the same time combatting woke and waste at the Pentagon so that our next generation of servicemembers are not trained in pronouns, but in how to fight and win wars. 

Our district is home to Dyess Air Force Base, which is one of two air force bases that houses the B-1 bomber. During my time as your representative, I have secured further funding for the B-1 bomber and brought the next generation B-21 bomber to Texas to call Dyess Air Force Base home. 

In addition to supporting our current service members, I am also committed to serving the brave men and women who wore the uniform before us. Our veterans, who fought for the freedom of the Free World at the expense of great tragedy and loss, are heroes deserving of our respect. Our district is home to a system of V.A. facilities that serves many veterans in the area, and I am committed to cutting through wasteful bureaucracy to ensure that all veterans receive quality services from the country they served. 

Action Taken:

Defending the Constitution

Need language.

Promoting WTX Values

Rural America is the backbone of our country and in West Texas, agriculture is the lifeblood of the local economy. Our district is home to more cotton fields and produces more cotton than any other place in the country. In Congress, I have been a strong proponent of the Farm Bill, making strides to ensure that cotton was re-included in the 2018 Farm Bill as a covered commodity. In addition to cotton, West Texas is also a large producer of peanuts, grain, sorghum, beef, dairy, and wine, all producing billions of dollars in agriculture related revenue for our district.  

In Congress, I also fight to ensure that all Americans have the right to affordable and quality healthcare. Our federal government’s disastrous healthcare laws of the past have put unnecessary stress on American families by increasing their deductibles and premiums and kicking them off of their current health insurance plans. These same laws have also failed our hardworking healthcare workers who spend more time doing paperwork than caring for the patients they passionately trained to serve. The American people deserve leaders that believe our healthcare system should be centered on choice and competition, with  the healthcare system should be a free market and patient centered.  

Action Taken:

Learn More About Jodey Arrington

"It has been my highest honor and privilege to represent the people and values of West Texas in Washington. I am as committed as ever in the fight to secure the blessings of liberty and defend the God-given, constitutional rights of 'We, the People.'"

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